Sunday 27 March 2011

More mutability

This is the moment before the moment. Gamblers have a name for it: 'tilt'. That time when the cards are good, there's money in the pot and the wise and sensible player knows how to bid; what to throw, what to keep, how to win. And then?

And then they sabotage themselves. Freud says it's because of our inner divisions, that I know. What I don't know is whether, in this moment before the moment, I will understand the implications of the 'tilt' I am about to make, or even care. It really doesn't matter if I'm 'tilting' at windmills, it really doesn't matter. Rather tilt at the windmill of your own making than that of others'

Ten years or so ago, I held some cards and played them; then - a wise and sensible player - but now? Well now the world is changing, some change invited, some not, some on a global scale, some domestic. Whichever it is, the gods hold up a mirror to us and say, 'Well? what are you going to do now, you little people?'

Tomorrow afternoon a group of decent, intelligent, hardworking people will gather to be told their fate, the day after tomorrow I will decide my own.

There can really only be one track, and one singer...

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