Monday, 16 July 2012


Good financials washed up on my shores this week: parking ticket rescinded, specs and software reimbursed then blow me down if I didn't go and win a lottery prize. Not enough to change my life but enough to change my supermarket for a week.

Then the postman brought a fat envelope. The fingerprint of a stranger.  Unbearable questions surpassed by their unbearable answers.

'In which country would you like to settle?'  (1) 'Canada' (2) 'Anglia'
'On your own?'   'tak'

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


One bad thing: got a parking ticket
One good thing: someone stuck a valid ticket on my car

It doesn't matter anymore whether I have to pay a fine because someone who didn't know me made a kind gesture.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Oh weather

It has not been a good day but two good things happened.